NEU Theory
NEU Theory
The Nature of Physical Reality
The Ten Postulates
The Simple Topology of Nature
Simple Object Topology
The Primal Prototype Object of Nature
The Four Quantum & Topologically Contained States
The Direction of Gravity
The Laws of Nature
Physical Properties
Elementary Physical Properties
Natural Movement
Natural Direction
The Measurement & Scale of Physical Reality
1. The Quantum SpinRise Hypothesis
The Four Primal Physical Quantities of Nature
Quantum SpinRise – The Synthesis of Primal Matter
Uniform Universal Acceleration of the Speed of Absolute Movement
2. The Quantum Wholes Hypothesis
The Quantum Whole
Neutron Motion
Neutron Lifetime
3. The Little Bangs Hypothesis
The Little Bang – Spontaneous Neutron Transformation
Atomic Hydrogen & the Birth of Light
The Fundamental Forms of Nature
Natural Acceleration – The Forces of Nature
4. The Neucleon Clusters Hypothesis
The Atomic Elements & Isotopes
What Holds the Atomic Nucleus Together?
The Three Neucleons
Architecture of the Nuclides
5. The Recycling Universe Hypothesis
The Cosmic Whole
Distribution & Movement of Matter & Energy in the Universe
The Cosmic Matter/Energy Cycle
Cosmic Homeostasis
Neu Theory Standards & Values
Neu Mass & Charge Radii
Introduction to Neu Theory
How This Work Came About
List of Illustrations
Numbers in Neu Theory
The Beginning Myth
Observations & Experiments that Define Science
Thoughts about Gravity
Thought Experiments
Unanswered Questions