NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality

Thoughts about Gravity


What is Gravity? Neu Theory was born thinking about gravity. The concept of gravity as a push rather than a pull started the thought process that led to this work. This is similar to Einstein’s “elevator analogy.”

Historically the theories of Newton and Einstein explained the observed facts with mathematical models that worked. They formulas work so well that we can use them to navigate spacecraft with great precision. Even subtle phenomena, e.g., the precession of the planet Mercury’s, and the “bending” of light around a massive body are calculable.

Both models are built on the assumption of a universal “attractive” force. To Newton’s model Einstein added the concept of spacetime,  a “bending of space and time” around a massive object – rather than a force that caused the change in motion of a celestial body – but the underlying concept of gravity as a universal attractive force remained.

In Neu Theory there is no unbalanced attractive force in nature that binds the universe together. Also there is no “bending” of space as free rise energy is fundamentally a “straight” movement. The only movements that “bend” come from spin energy. And time is the 3rd of the four fundamental physical quantities – the uniform universal acceleration of the speed of absolute movement (i.e., the acceleration of the fixed speed of light c) – which is the universal constanta” that never changes. In this model time can never speed up or slow down.

In the Neu Theory model the only attractive forces in nature are between unlike similar things, such as unlike magnetic poles and unlike electric charge shells. With this attraction comes an equal repulsive force between like things, such as like magnetic poles and like electric charge shells. Both attraction and repulsion exist together, balance each other, and have a limited effective range. The magnetomotive force between quantum objects, such as between electrons and protons is weaker with a shorter effective range than the electromotive force between electrons and protons which is stronger and has a much longer effective range.

In nature things that attract come together as close as they can get, and things that repel tend to stay as far apart as they can get. Once that is done things are more or less “content” to stay where they are. A physical state of “dynamic rest”. Unless the local environment becomes too extreme, the normal direction with nature is to create a state of neutrality and dynamic structural stability between things.

Neu Theory Gravity

In Neu Theory the physical effects of “gravity” between two (or more) bodies are caused by two fundamental properties of each body that act together:

  1. The g-rise floor acceleration.
  2. The spinfield.

Combined they become fundamental physical form [5]. Both are movement/synergy forms with a perpetual unbalanced input (g-rise pressure) into cosmic reality.

The physical effects are easier to understand when the two bodies are very different in size, as between people and the earth, and satellites in orbit around a central body.

The G-Rise Floor Acceleration

The first part of gravity is the g-rise floor. The g-rise floor is the collective push of a body with a definable mass and volume. The body shape, influences the push of the local floor surface, but for our purposes, we will imagine a perfectly round ball, where the local floor push is uniform everywhere over the entire surface. For the moment we will also assume, that the macroscopic ball is not physically rotating. The collective push ultimately comes from all the individual pushes by the elementary matter particles of a body acting together. These are the cores, membranes, and plasms. The matter cores and electron membranes physically rotate with an intrinsic quantum spin – however the atoms and molecules they make do not naturally rotate. The push of matter can only add, it never cancels.

Now imagine yourself somewhere in the solar system watching two humans standing on opposite sides of the Earth. Each human considers themselves “upright”, with the push coming from the accelerating floor their feet are touching. If they don’t stay balanced with this push they will “fall down”.

Somewhat similar to Galileo’s legendary experiment at the Tower of Pisa, imagine that each human has access to a 125 meter high tower with a platform that can go up and down, from where they can “drop” two objects, a small wood marble and a large lead ball, and see what happens. Each human lets go of the two objects at the same time from different heights, and each will confirm that both objects “hit” the ground at the same time with the same speed of impact. 

There were two repeatable observations:

  1. The mass of the objects made no difference.
  2. The time taken for “free fall” and the speed of impact depended only upon the height from which the objects were dropped.

The results indicated what was happening was an acceleration at 9.8 m/s2, as noted in the following table. Starting with equal time intervals:

 height of “fall”
 speed of impact
(meters per second)

The Neu Theory g-rise interpretation is, that as long as the two test objects were bound to the Earth, i.e., being held in place by the platform – also bound to the Earth – they were all subject to a continuous accelerating displacement (a pushing force). The surface of the Earth (the ground) is the g-rising floor. The rate of rise is the g-force, which is measured at 9.8 m/s2 and is set equal to one g. The moment the object’s were “let go”, they stopped g-rising with the earth, as they were no longer being supported by the platform. From the object’s perspective, the push stopped, and they became “weightless”. From the Earth’s perspective, the objects were in “free fall”, becoming “unbound” separate cosmic bodies, no longer in dynamic equilibrium as part of one Earth body, but still within its sphere of influence, as the objects would soon find out.

Meanwhile the ground and the platform attached to the ground, similar to Einstein’s “accelerating elevator analogy” kept on topologically rising at a uniformly accelerating rate. After a moment of time depending on the height they were let go, the earth will rise up to meet and impact the objects with an accumulated speed based on the interval of time the objects were unbound and weightless.

Assuming an earth without an atmosphere, if the same two objects were somehow let go, at a height equal to its mean radius of 6371 kilometers, it would take the ground surface 19 minutes (1140 seconds), to physically reach the objects, and impact them at a speed close to 40,000 kilometers per hour.

It is obvious that the energy of impact, is entirely due to the masses of the two objects, as their impact speed will be the same. The difference, between a small wood marble and a large lead ball, is in their momentum, which is equal to their intrinsic mass multiplied by the velocity. Velocity is speed in a specific direction. In this thought experiment the direction of travel is perpendicular to the ground, but the direction of a meteoroid impact, can be at some oblique angle to the surface of the earth.

There is an effective maximum height the two test objects can “free fall” towards the earth. This is approximately 1,500,000 kilometers. Beyond that they will “free fall” towards the sun. The reason for the height limit is because the spinfield hollow that the test bodies are free falling in, has a limited effective range. At some distance, the spinfield hollow of a smaller body will merge into, and be carried along in a orbit within the larger spinfield hollow of a more massive body. The moon’s spinfield hollow, merges into the earth’s spinfield hollow, which merges into the sun’s spinfield hollow, which merges into the Milky Way galaxy’s spinfield hollow. Spinfield hollows end with groups of galaxies. Galaxy clusters become g-rise hollow structures.

We as human observers from our solar system view did not see the earth getting bigger, only the “free fall” motion of the two test objects. The reason for this is that physical acceleration takes place at the quantum level. The observers, and the test objects, are also accelerating along with their own rate of g-rise. The only difference, is in their collective push and extent of influence. The relative (measured) size of the bodies remains the same as the measuring rod also changes. The only time relative size of objects change, is with an increase or decrease in mass, or a change in density of a body.

The SpinField

The second part of gravity is the spinfield. The spinfield is a permanent movement/synergy form, in the shape of an open ball, surrounding the g-rise floor of a body. The open ball carves a topological hollow into space. If the g-rise floor changes the spinfield hollow form will correspondingly adjust.

By movement/synergy, we mean that the spinfield is two isotropic topological movements that have real physical effects by displacing bodies that come within their range of influence. The g-rise floor is the intrinsic isotropic physical movement of the stage, the spinfield hollow is the theater, where the two intrinsic isotropic topological movements act.

It is important to understand that the spinfield is not a form of physical movement. The spinfield is a topological synergy projection into space. There is no physical movement of a spinfield, because there is nothing physical in the spinfield to move. Except for the free rise energy of space, there is no other energy form actually present in a spinfield hollow volume that could physically move. All local spin movement/energy is “linked” together with an equal amount of rise movement/energy making the matter object that is g-rising, or has become the isotropic spin energy of the electric charge shells which are permanently stuck like glue to elementary matter particles.

The spinrise linkage locks the absolute spin movement/energy content of matter preventing its natural physical state of isotropic spin at the uniformly accelerating speed of light, just as it locks the absolute rise movement/energy content of matter preventing its natural physical state of isotropic rise at the uniformly accelerating speed of light. Matter topologically locks both absolute energies together. Neither is going anywhere, and the linkage creates the static physical properties of shape, size, mass, and homogeneity.

Uniform acceleration of the “locked” absolute spin energy content of matter, becomes the physical movement of quantum spin [4], which is the added axial rotation at the speed of light of quantum matter objects. Uniform acceleration of the “locked” absolute rise energy content of matter, becomes the physical movement of isotropic g-rise [5], the first part of gravity. The spinfield hollow projection is where the underlying locked topology of the absolute spin and rise energy manifests itself. The spinfield hollow projection is equal to and directly proportional to the g-rise floor.

The spinfield hollow is an open theater and a physical environment that creates a potential for movement by physical bodies that come within its sphere of influence. The spinfield hollow is a topological spherical synergy vortex. Just as we cannot see the topological g-rise of matter, but only feel a physical push at the surface and see the effect of “free fall” on bodies, we also cannot see or feel the topological movement of the spinfield vortex. We can only see its effect on the change in speed and direction of  visiting bodies as they pass through its topological extent.

As part of a fundamental physical form [5], the spinfield hollow has its own permanent synergy projection. These provide two dynamic effects on the speed and direction of other bodies that come within its sphere of influence. The effects are caused by the structure of the spinfield hollow itself, not any intrinsic physical property carried by visiting bodies. Whether the body is small or large, charged or neutral, made of matter or light, it doesn’t make any difference, they are all effected equally.

A spinfield hollow has the shape of an open shell. Imagine the spinfield hollow as a spherical theater open to the sky surrounding a spherical stage (the ball surface). The spinfield hollow maintains a stable volume, an effective size with time relative to the physical size of the ball. The effective size is the extent of influence by the spinfield hollow and can be measured by the behavior of other bodies.

The Earth

The best example we have for observation of a spinfield hollow is the Earth. Considered estimates give the Earth the following physical properties:

mass – 5.9736 x 1024 kg
mean radius – 6.371 x 106 m
circumference – 40,075,017 m (equatorial), 40, 007,860 m (meridional), 67,157 m dif.
volume – 1.08 x 1021 m3
density – 5.514 kg/m3 (5.514 gm/cm3)
surface area – 510,072,000 km2
g-rise – 9.78 m/s2 at the equator
orbital velocity – 9.71 km/s near the surface
orbital time – 68.8 minutes one orbit near the surface
escape velocity – 11.186 km/s at the surface

The earth ball is a rising physical movement, that will topologically double into space, with a time that can be calculated. The earth “doubles”, meaning it will accelerate to a height of 6,371 km, a distance equal to its depth (mean radius) in about 19 minutes. We cannot see this doubling, just feel its effect.

Doubling is an acceleration that is always relative to a starting moment of historical time, any “now”, that is designated as time zero (0). This “0″ moment is historically unique and can never be repeated. After 38 minutes from this starting historical moment, the surface will have doubled again, and keep on topologically doubling perpetually at a 19 minute clip.

All matter objects in the universe, are individually, and collectively topologically doubling-in-place into space, at their own unique “beat” (doubling time), and a rate of physical expansion that is measured as g-force. All physical bodies with the same density of matter, will have the same doubling time, only the g-rise will change with number. However it should be clearly understood, that the relative physical size of the doubling objects, and the spacial distance between them, remains a measured constant, unless there is a change in number, a change in density, or relative motion between bodies.

Space as nature’s largest physical object is a ball that also doubles at its own rate, which in this model is approximately 8.4 billion years based on a calculated cosmic g-rise of ∼3.2 x 10-11 m/s2 by a population of 2.6 x 1079 zomons with an average volume of 4.6m3 each.

The earth’s spinfield hollow volume begins at the surface of the earth, and is much larger than the volume of the g-rising earth it surrounds. To determine the size of the spinfield we have to look at the earth’s satellites. The earth’s moon is in a stable orbit, at a mean height of 384 000 km above the earth’s surface, about sixty earth radii. The earth’s spinfield hollow volume is larger than that. Somewhere during the sixth topological doubling, from any historical moment “0″, in less than 120 minutes, the earth’s surface would have risen to the moon’s height above the earth. Of course the moon isn’t waiting there to get “smacked”, it has moved along, topologically doubling with its own beat within its own spinfield hollow volume, in a stable “free ride” orbit, maintaining its distance from the earth.

The earth’s spinfield hollow topologically “contains-in-place” the physically rising earth ball within its spherical theater. It maintains this volume, with time, throughout the earth’s perpetual rise. The earth rises within the spinfield volume, and is always at its center. The spinfield volume, “absorbs” the isotropic rise, and maintains its relative size to the earth’s surface with the movement of time. If the earth’s g-rise stage changes, the spinfield theater will correspondingly adjust.

The Substance of the Earth/Spinfield

The substance of the earth’s spinfield hollow, is two topological movements:

  1. A g-rise-in-place.
  2. A bending-in-place with closure

Both are topological accelerations, forms of movement/synergy, that have a physical effect on the motion of visiting bodies. These two effects are “free fall” and “free ride”.

  • Free Fall is the perpetual “straight” (perpendicular to the g-rise surface) change in speed of visiting bodies towards the surface of the earth. The source of the change in speed comes from the projection, of the frozen absolute rise energy isotropy of earth’s matter, as an isotropic radial topological acceleration (g-rise) into space, with an inverse square value with distance. The earth’s g-rise acceleration over time is observed as “fall” by the visiting body. There is no attractive force here. This is somewhat similar to Einstein’s spacetime, as the “fall” is only the effects of a dynamic physical co-ordinate system.
  • Free Ride is the perpetual “bending” into closure (orbits), of visiting bodies, if they possess the required speed and direction. The source of the bending-in-place, comes from the projection of the frozen absolute spin energy isotropy of earth’s matter, as an isotropic spherical topological acceleration (g-spin) into space, with an inverse square value with distance. It is up to the visiting body to match the required orbital speed at any place in the spinfield, the earth/spinfield hollow does not do it for them.

Both the effects of free fall and free ride on cosmic bodies, come from the intrinsic topological accelerations of the earth’s theater itself, not from any physical properties of the visiting bodies themselves, and it is these intrinsic synergy accelerations, that causes the change in the visiting bodies motion.

A free ride is a stable elliptical orbit within a spinfield hollow. A circular orbit is conceptually the simplest, but not found in reality. There is an omni-direction choice of elliptical orbits that are allowed.

A spinfield hollow can be visualized as a topological g-rising and g-spinning-in-place spherical vortex. The spinfield vortex is made of two topological accelerations, bosonically added to the space they occupy. The spinfield does not change the density of space, and the underlying space expansion & difusion-in-place stays “straight” and is not “bent” in any way by the spinfield vortex. In principle, there is no “bending” of rise movement/energy allowed by nature. Even the rise energy motion of matter is in a “straight” line unless acted upon by an outside force (Newton’s 1st law of motion).

Starting from just above the surface of the earth, the spinfield hollow topologically bends with an isotropic spherical closure speed, identical to orbital velocity. Layer after layer of movement bending at specific speeds parallel to the ball’s surface. The closure speed of movement is proportional to the spinfield height above the g-rising surface. If another body matches the spherical velocity of the spinfield hollow at that height it will begin to orbit. The orbit can be considered a “free ride” because once a visiting body gets there – in principle – it doesn’t have to do anything more. If we ignore the effects of an atmosphere, the orbit is maintained with time. The calculated spinfield orbital velocity at the earth’s surface is 9.71 km/s. One orbit around the equator is a distance of 40,075 km, and takes about approximately 68 minutes to complete.

The Size of the Earth/Spinfield Hollow

The effective size of a spinfield hollow can be defined by the distance where a test body not only orbits the spinfield hollow of one body but also starts to orbit the spinfield hollow of a more massive body that the smaller spinfield hollow is embedded in. This is the L1 Lagrangian point named by Joseph Louis Lagrange in 1772, though discovered by Leonhard Euler a few years earlier.

The L1 distance between the earth and the sun is about 1,500,000 km (235 earth radii) away from the earth, so the spinfield hollow of the earth can be said to get this big. A satellite at this location will orbit both the earth and the sun. The L1 distance represents about one hundredth of the total mean distance of 149,600,000 km (23,480 earth radii) between the earth and the sun.

The L1 distance between the moon and the earth is 60,000 km (35 moon radii) away from the moon, so the moon’s spinfield hollow can be said to be this big. A satellite at this location will orbit both the moon and the earth, Within 60,000 km, the moon’s spinfield hollow controls the behavior of a test body.

The size of a spinfield hollow can also be measured by the speed required to leave it. To leave the earth’s spinfield hollow, starting from the earth’s surface would require an “escape” velocity of 11.186 km/s perpendicular to the earth. The escape velocity from the moon is 2.4 km/s. The escape velocity anywhere in a spinfield hollow is equal to the orbital velocity at that location multiplied by the square root of two (VE = VO x √2).

Within its spinfield theater, the dynamic physical reality established by the local g-rise floor “house”, is the “only game in town”. It is a topological theater movement with well established house rules that must be followed. All objects that come within its influence will be effected equally.

It is hypothesized that the ultimate cause of the spinfield effects is the “frozen-in-place isotropy” of the absolute spin and rise energies that are physically linked-in-place as the matter substance of the body.

  • The frozen-in-place isotropy of the linked-in-place rise movement/energy, projects a topological acceleration into space called the g-rise field, that follows the inverse square rule.
  • The frozen-in-place isotropy of the linked-in-place spin movement/ energy, projects a topological acceleration into space called the g-spin field, that follows the inverse square rule.

The combined effects is to create a topological projection, as an isotropic vortex that perpetually g-rises-in-place, and g-spins-in-place. The effect of the vortex is to change the speed and direction of visiting bodies relative to the spinfield theater stage.

The spinfield hollow synergy effect, is part of the fundamental form of nature [5], is different from, and a topological addition to the g-spin/magnetism force field. G-spin/magnetism, fundamental form of nature [4], is caused by physical rotation at the speed of light, or the quantum spin of elementary matter particles.

Spinfield hollow volumes start to add at the quantum level where they become emergent above the surfaces of primary matter objects. This addition is bosonic, meaning the volumes overlap and merge as the objects become part of larger and more massive bodies. There can be only one composite spinfield hollow per macroscopic object.

The spinfield hollow can be imagined as a number of concentric isotropic movement shells, a omni-directional g-spin spherical vortex, that permanently surrounds the g-rise floor and extends a finite effective distance until it reaches spinfield hollow of a larger structure. Smaller spinfield hollows are continually embedded in orbits within larger spinfield hollows until the largest spinfield hollows which are embedded only in the background g-rise and g-spin of the cosmic matter body, and the g-rise pressure of space.

A spinfield hollow creates a movement/synergy field, a structure that can be graphically represented as a number of imaginary concentric equal potential surfaces (imagine very thin onion layers) that represent the spinfield hollow g-rise/g-spin acceleration at that place. If another body comes within the effective spinfield, the “layers” the visiting body travels through, will change its original speed and direction, during the time it stays within the effective range of the host’s spinfield hollow. Both the speed and direction of the visiting body will keep changing relative to the host body’s coordinate structure until it either:

  1. The body impacts the g-rise surface, and becomes part of the central massive body.
  2. The body becomes captured (bound), as an orbiting satellite of the central massive body, if it can match the speed and direction of a stable orbit, in the spinfield vortex.
  3. The body passes through remaining unbound – with its speed and direction permanently changed – departing away beyond the effective range of the central body and its spinfield hollow, and into the effective spinfield hollow volume of another massive body.

Whatever changes that take place, during the visiting body’s trajectory through the host’s spinfield hollow, are permanent, and will remain as a new speed and direction with the visiting body as it leaves. This also applies to photons of light. All changes are relative to the host body’s coordinate system.

With the physical spin of central bodies, such as the daily rotation of the earth, the spinfield hollow develops a “preferred” direction for launching satellites, but its fundamental isotropic nature is not changed. Satellites can be placed around the earth in any orbit. Pro-grade (with the earth’s spin), retrograde (opposite the earth’s spin), equatorial, polar, they are all possible.

Is Gravity a Force?

We continue by asking if gravity is a force? This is a very good question as it defines the meaning of a force. The answer is both yes and no.

The first half of gravity, the g-rising floor, is a physical acceleration, a natural movement that displaces bodies that are in physical contact with each other. The accelerating g-rise of the earth’s surface is clearly a force, and something we can measure and individually experience as a continuous push. The push at the surface can be considered as pressure from one direction. The direction is relative to the floor, is always “straight” and is always “up”. We call the push of the Earth one “g”.

We as matter bodies, respond to this push by pushing back with our own g-rise/spinfields, where we contact the Earth. We have an intrinsic mass that we feel as weight. As we are dynamic animals, we automatically adjust the weight of our bodies as needed to stay “upright” and move around. We maintain a dynamic equilibrium with the earth, if we don’t we “fall down” into a state of “rest”.

If we were on the Moon, the g-rise (0.165 g) push would be less and we would feel our weight to be less, even though there is no change in our mass. The surface acceleration is different on the moon, and an accelerometer device would show the difference. A white dwarf star, about the same size as the earth, but with the mass of the sun, has a g-rise of over 300,000 g. The g-rise of all electric supercells (steller or supermassive “black holes”) is ~ 30 million g.

The second half of gravity, the spinfield hollow, is composed of two topological accelerations that act together, in changing the speed and direction of visiting bodies during their time of travel within the spinfield hollow’s sphere of influence. All visiting bodies, irrespective of their shape, mass, charge, or magnetism, are equally effected.

  • The direction of motion of the visiting body is changed by spin movement/synergy,
  • The speed of motion of the visiting body is changed by rise movement/synergy.

Both spinfield movement/synergy accelerations are directly proportional to the g-rising physical floor.

The spinfield hollow is a movement/synergy projection, by the spin energy and rise energy content of a matter object, that are being prevented from their natural state of intrinsic isotropic movement at the accelerating speed of light because they are linked-in-place as matter. When spin energy and rise energy are linked together as matter they are both forced to stop their natural state of isotropic movement. Natural acceleration projects this frozen physical isotropy as two isotropic synergy accelerations into space.

Natural Force

A force is a push, pull, or twist that can be felt by our human forms and measured by our instruments.
There are two types of natural force in Neu Theory, direct action and action at a distance.

Direct Action

The first type of natural force, direct action, comes from the physical movements of bodies as they touch each other. The four direct action forces are the natural accelerations:

  1. g-spin of matter
  2. g-rise push of matter
  3. g-fall charge shell compression of matter
  4. g-rise inertial pressure of zome on charge shells, matter and light.

The g-forces are perpetual one-way unbalanced inputs into cosmic reality. The direction of force from space and charge is always exactly opposite to the direction of force from matter.

Action at a Distance

The second type of natural force is a movement/synergy projection into space through the medium of a maintained field. This is action at a distance. There are only 4 fields in the Neu Theory model and they are all projections from an underlying natural acceleration:

  • Two fields (magnetic and electric) are considered “force” fields.
  • Two fields (spinfield and inertial) are considered as “effect” fields.

The force fields are the magnetic forces of attraction, repulsion and torque between magnets, and the electric forces of attraction and repulsion between charged bodies. The field forces are usually balanced at the quantum and atomic levels, resulting in spin/magnetic alignment and electrically neutral bodies.

Natural Effect

The synergy projections by the gravitational fields of matter bodies, and the inertial field of space are not considered “force fields” in the Neu Theory model. They are considered “effect fields”.

  • The effect of the gravitational field (spinfield, hyper-spinfield) of massive bodies is to transfer its topological movements to the existing trajectory of all bodies that enter its sphere of influence.
  • The effect of the inertial field of the space body as a whole is a pressure that creates a universal state of rest or uniform motion for matter, and maintain spatial distance between matter.

The Earth Spinfield Effects

Why does Neu Theory consider the earth’s, or any other body’s spinfield an effect rather than a force?

Because, the effect of the earth’s spinfield hollow, on the motion of visiting bodies, is not a form of direct action or action at a distance, that can be measured by a force measuring device with the visiting body. Nor can the effect be neutralized, reversed or balanced as with electricity and magnetism.

The earth’s spinfield hollow, it is a topological form, shaped by two movement/synergy projections, that simultaneously add their in-place-accelerations, to the existing motion of visiting bodies, during the time of their travel through the hollow. The earth’s spinfield vectors are local effects, all visiting bodies are effected equally by their coordinate location in the spherical theater volume.

Unlike a magnetic or electric field, the earth’s spinfield hollow, does not create action at a distance. In this sense, it is clearly not a force field, as there is no measurable repulsion, attraction, push, pull or twist felt by the visiting matter bodies, as they enter, pass through, and leave the earth’s spinfield hollow, and enter the influence of the sun’s spinfield hollow. Only the synergy effects of the earth’s spinfield hollow will govern the motion of visiting bodies.

The earth’s spinfield hollow, is a simultaneous rising-in-place and a bending-in-place, by the spherical “theater” itself, around its spherical central “stage”, which is the land mass and oceans of the surface.

The entire earth theater, extending up in space to the L1 distance (1,500,000 km), topologically projects its influence within this volume. The topological projection is two simultaneous in-place-accelerations at right angles to each other. The earth theater coordinate system measures the speed and direction of motion of visiting bodies, relative to the surface.

The one g-rise displacement of the earth stage, is a state of dynamic physical equilibrium, and can be considered as being at “rest” relative to the dynamic topological equilibrium of the spinfield hollow.

As bodies pass through the theater, they will add the topological in-place-accelerations of the theater, to their existing speed and direction of travel, during the time of their visit. The change in the motion of visiting bodies is a very real physical effect, a fact of experience that must be explained.

The Earth Rise/SpinField Theater

Imagine a perfectly round, non-rotating earth ball as a stage surrounded by its spinfield hollow synergy theater. This ideal Earth has a “great circle” circumference of exactly forty million meters (40,000,000).

Imagine that the theater has a large number of invisible seats – approximately one meter square in area and one meter in height (a nice comfortable sofa chair size) placed next to each other in invisible shells (onion layers) starting from the surface of the earth.

Imagine each great circle row in each concentric shell has exactly forty million (40,000,000) seats, thus each seat represents 1/40,000,000 of circular bending closure, approximately 0.0324 arc seconds.

The spinfield/hollow area at the top of the seat is slightly larger than the area at the bottom of the seat. While the one meter height of each seat stays the same in each shell, the top and bottom areas of the seats gets larger, in each concentric one meter thick shell, layer after layer above the earth’s surface.

There are more than five hundred trillion (500,000,000,000,000) seats in each layer. With a human population at ten billion (10,000,000,000) there are more than fifty thousand (50,000) seats for everyone, at the surface, quite a bit of “real estate.”

The distance to L1 is 1.5 million kilometers, or 1,500,000,000 meter layers, giving the earth theater a seating count of ∼ 7.5 x 1018.

Each imaginary seat in each imaginary shell simultaneously carries two in-place-movements:

  1. A g-rise acceleration-in-place perpendicular to the surface of the earth.
  2. A omnidirectional bending acceleration (g-spin) parallel to the surface of the earth.

Using the g-rising surface of the earth as a reference, the in-place-acceleration values for each seat in any shell can be calculated. Two useful values are, the escape velocity and the orbital velocity at each seat.

Each seat can be visualized, as a unique equal fractional area, of one shell” of a rising-in-place and bending-in-place spherical vortex. Each shell is assigned a thickness of one meter, and is made from two equipotential surfaces (bottom and top areas of the sofa box), and all seats between these two surfaces, are assigned the same synergy movement potential value.

Imagine all the seats, in each concentric shell as simultaneously rising-in-place, with an acceleration proportional to their distance above the surface of the earth. The rising-in-place value diminishes with the inverse square of the height (1/r2) above the surface.

The rise starts at 9.8 m/s2 at the surface, in one second the imaginary seat will have risen by 4.9 m. At double the Earth’s radius (2r), the g-rise acceleration of an imaginary seat in that shell will have been reduced to 2.44 m/s2, one quarter its surface value. In that same unique one second of universal time every seat in the imaginary double height shell will have risen 1.22 m. The one second rise of an imaginary seat at the height of the moon (60r) is 1.36×10-3 m. At the L1 Lagrangian point (235r) the one second rise is 8.8×10-5 m.

The rising of the synergy seats, is transferred as a vertical change in speed (free fall), of the visiting body, arriving towards the surface of the earth. Rise equals fall. From the perspective of the visiting body, the spinfield theater represents a spherical “spinfall vortex” that it must pass through.

Imagine each of the 40,000,000 seats in each shell great circle is bending-in-place with a closure value of 0.0324 arc seconds. At the surface of this ideal Earth the length of the bottom of the seat arc is exactly equal to one meter, the top of the seat arc is slightly more than one meter. The bottom of the seat arc length at double the earth’s radius is 2 meters, at the height of the moon the arc length of one seat is 60 meters, the L1point the arc length of a seat is 235 meters. At L1 a body would have to orbit 235 meters to bend 0.0324 arc seconds.

The bending value of a seat, is transferred as a lateral change in direction, of the visiting body, relative to the surface of the earth.

From the visiting body’s perspective, as it enters the earth’s spinfield hollow theater, it begins to cross these rising-in-place and bending-in-place equipotential shells with a specific initial direction and speed.

The imaginary seats of the one meter thick shells begin rising through the visiting body transferring their very real local topological accelerations to its trajectory.

The trajectory of the visiting body is changed from its initial velocity as it passes through the earth’s ∼3.0 million kilometer diameter spinfield hollow volume.

All visiting bodies also have their own spinfields that effect the Earth, but if the test body is small, relative to the earth, for our purpose its effect on the earth, can be ignored.

As each invisible seat rises and bends through the visiting body it adds its own perpetual topological accelerations to the existing speed and direction of the visiting body. The next seat layer does the same, and the next layer, and so on. The visiting body (matter or light) doesn’t feel anything as its trajectory is being changed.

The speed and bending value of the next seat depends on the visiting body’s direction and speed of travel through the moving spinfall theater. The movement value per unit time is greater (faster more bending) if the body is moving towards the stage, and lesser (slower less bending) when the body is moving away from the stage. Whatever the local values, the movement values can only add and the trajectory of the visiting body is permanently changed.

Under the right conditions, the trajectory of a visiting body, may match a stable orbital velocity of a seat it is passing through, upon which the body will begin its “free ride” and perpetually remain bound in a stable orbit. It is moving along with the theater’s local bending-in-place and rising-in-place.

The first thought example is a perfectly circular orbit, however in nature as shown by Kepler, orbits are elliptical. The principles of a free ride apply to all orbits. The orbital body gains speed and bends more as it moves closer to the g-rise floor, and loses speed and bends less as it moves away. This is described by Kepler’s equal areas in equal time law of planetary motion.

The one way closure bending is always there and the cycle perpetually repeats itself. Think of Halley’s comet. The orbiting body just takes on the local seat movements of the Sun’s spinfield theater for the moment of time it is there. Once placed in the dynamic topological equilibrium of a stable orbit, there is no getting out, unless the orbiting body has a propulsion device, or is acted upon by something else.

The earth/spinfield topological effects, like everything else in nature, can only add, they never take away. What may seem like subtraction is only addition in another direction. All visiting bodies will be equally effected, even photons of light.

For some human subjective evidence that the earth’s spinfield is not a force consider the weightlessness experienced by astronauts in space stations as they orbit the planet, or parachuting skydivers in free fall. The only forces astronauts feel are the self generated ones when they maneuver themselves, and their spacecraft. The only forces skydivers feel is the pressure from the atmospheric gas particles rushing past them.