NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality


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1. In Current Science, an elementary particle having the same mass as a given particle but an opposite electrical charge, or (in the case of an uncharged particle) an opposite magnetic moment; example, a positron.

2, In Neu Theory, there is no antimatter in nature. The model does not consider the positron as a form of antimatter, or a positive electron. The stuff the positron is made from, is just ordinary Type I spinrise matter, taken from ordinary proton [1b] cores. The positron, also, does not have the 2 surface topology of a membrane shell, as does the electron [2b]. However, the positron does serve the same purpose as antimatter, as the net result after electron/ positron annihilation, is that two electron size masses (0.000544u each) have been de-linked into their component spin and rise movement/energy forms. Matter has been converted into free energy. Despite the importance of its role in nature, the positron is considered by Neu Theory as an exotic particle, not an elementary particle, as it is made from ordinary neucleonic core spinrise matter. See protino.

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