1. In Current Science, fermionic is behavior as a fermion.
2. In Neu Theory, the term fermionic refers to the property that prevents the physical substance of the three elementary matter forms and the two elementary charge shell energy forms from physically merging, overlapping, or passing through each other without structural displacement. See bosonic. The total individual mass or energy volume, and topology, of each form remains conserved as required by the Prime Law of Nature. Examples:
- The absolute density neutron spinning core matter [1a] displaces its volume within the variable density neutron non-spinning plasm matter [3a].
- During the little bang the absolute density neutron spinning core matter [1a] pushes through the variable density neutron non-spinning plasm [3a], and then penetrates and displaces the absolute density neutron non-spinning membrane wall matter [2a] from within, creating a hole through which it traverses during the transition. The total mass and volume of the membrane form remains constant as it topologically inverts and detaches into the spinning electron ball [2b].
- An absolute density spinning neutron core [1a], plus one or two absolute density spinning proton cores [1b], displace their combined volume within the variable density plasm matter [3a], as the deuteron cell and the helion cell. The discrete positive charge shield surrounds and contains the combined volumes of membrane matter [2a], plasm matter [3a], and core matter [1a][1b].
- The fragmentation of proton core spinrise (absolute density Type I matter) into fermionic chunks of spinrise matter by high speed collisions between electrons and protons, and protons and protons. The electron membrane has not been observed to fragment and is considered to remain topologically complete.