NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality


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1. In Current Science, the union of atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, usu. with release of energy.

2. In Neu Theory, fusion is the layering of two or more nucleonic charge shells into one charge shield surrounding a heavier nuclide. The atomic elements are synthesized by fusion.

The union of smaller nuclei into a heavier nuclide results in a net decrease of mass. In Neu Theory this specific amount of matter has de-linked into equal amounts of spin energy and rise energy. Both energy quantities are conserved and must be accounted for. Spin energy becomes nuclear light (gamma rays) and rise energy becomes the kinetic energy of nuclear recoil.

The synthesis of the first neucleon H2 (deuteron) from two protons and an electron in a stellar plasma environment is the precursor to fusion. With deuteron synthesis only one of the two proton charge shells remains after an electric dipole is re-linked into neutral hollow plasm [3a]. One positive charge shell with its positive electric field remain outside a stable neutral neucleonic structure. All subsequent acts of nuclear fusion and fission are multiples of this stable form.

There is a “master slave” relationship within a neucleon. The neutron part of the neucleonic structure is the master – as it is always equal to one unit of mass and benefits from the stability provided by its wearing the proton charge shell(s) – while the one or two captive protons are the slaves as all the de-linked mass is hypothesized to come from them.

The first true acts of fusion occur where two (+1) charge shells actually layer into one (+2) charge shield. There are two possibilities:

  1. The synthesis of the second nucleon He3 (helion), when a deuteron captures a second proton and the two individual charge shells layer into one (+2) charge shield.
  2. The synthesis of the He4 nucleus (alpha). The alpha is the fusion of two deuteron (+1) charge shells into one (+2) charge shield binding the two deuterons together with a additional de-linkage of mass from the captive protons in the form of equal amounts of de-linked spin (gamma rays) and rise energy (kinetic recoil). The deuterons maintain their individual topological shape (2 kernel peanut) as they fuse to create larger atoms.

Neutron nucleons in a nuclide are in addition to the deuteron neucleons and try to find stability as part of a composite nucleonic structure below a charge shield. The one deuteron+one neutron nuclide H3 (triton) is unstable, with a relatively long in human terms, half life of 12.26 years. The two deuteron+one neutron nuclide He5 is highly unstable. The first stable nuclide with a neutron neucleon is Li7 (lithium-7), consisting of three deuterons+one neutron below a (+3) charge shield.

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