NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality

elementary physical form

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In Neu Theory, a elementary physical form is one of the eleven discrete types of forms that make up nature. The term is inclusive, meaning all of nature can be described by these eleven types of form. Nothing else is required. The elementary forms of nature are:

[#] Name Substance Shape Comment
[1a] neutron core Type I matter ball future proton core
[1b] proton core Type I matter ball with a positive charge shell & field
[2a] neutron membrane Type I matter shell future electron
[2b] electron ball Type I matter inverted shell with a negative charge shell & field
[3a] neutron plasm Type II matter shell future forms [6+][6-}[7+][7-][8][9][10][11]
[4] g-spin/magnetic field movement/synergy torus magnetic force
[5] g-rise/spinfield movement/synergy shell gravity
[6+] positive electric dipole charge shell 1st law spin energy (topologically split) shell nuclear force
[6-] negative electric dipole charge shell 1st law spin energy (topologically split) shell
[7+] positive electric field movement/synergy shell electric potential energy
[7-] negative electric field movement/synergy shell electric potential energy
[8] zomon 1st law rise energy expanding & difusing-in-place ball space quanta
[9] motion 2nd law rise energy (host) kinematic behavior
[10] electric hollow movement/synergy shell light matrix
[11] photon 2nd law spin energy shell free spin energy bubble


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