NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality

forces of nature

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1. In Current Science, there are four fundamental forces of nature. These are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear.

2. In Neu Theory, there is only one primal force in nature, natural acceleration a. This primal acceleration takes two forms:

  • Quantum spin movement/energy acceleration – perpetual inward pressure from bending accelerating isotropic spin movement/energy. The direction of the spin acceleration is to compress or make smaller.
  • Quantum rise movement/energy acceleration – the perpetual outward pressure from straight accelerating rise movement/energy. The direction of the rise force is to expand or make larger.
  • The two accelerations are the cause of four fundamental interactions between the seven elementary particles. These are:
    • G-spin/magnetic field – caused by the accelerating g-spin of matter cores & electrons [1a][1b][2b].
    • G-rise/spinfield (gravity) – caused by the accelerating g-rise of the matter forms [1a][1b][2a][2b][3a].
    • G-fall/electric field – caused by the acceleration of the topologically split electric charge shells [6+][7+][6-][7-].
    • G-rise/inertia – the resistance of matter to being moved is caused by pressure from the g-rise acceleration of space [8].

The forces and effects of nature fall in two categories, “direct action,” and “action at a distance.”

The direct action forces are:

  • g-rise – the acceleration-in-place pressure of matter forms when they touch [1][2][3]
  • g-fall – the acceleration-in-place compression of electric charge shells around the proton [6+], neucleon clusters [6+], and the electron [6-].
  • g-rise – the acceleration-in-place pressure of space on matter forms and charge shells [8]

The action at a distance forces and effects are:

  • g-spin/magnetic field attraction, repulsion, torque [4]
  • g-fall/electric fields attraction, repulsion [7+][7-]
  • g-rise/spinfield effect causes a change in speed and direction [5]
force of nature, natural force, four forces of nature, four g-forces of nature, g-forces of nature, fundamental forces of nature
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