NEU Theory

NEU Theory

The Nature of Physical Reality

A Story of Two Photons

A Story of Two Photons


As a thought experiment, let us imagine the life of two photons (A and B), from their birth until the death of photon A by absorption in a Hubble Space Telescope spectroscope, and a continued existence for photon B as it passes into the CMB resonance and beyond.

For the purposes of this thought experiment we shall provide our photons special (“magic”) powers and tools that they can use as they travel. Our photons can “real time” communicate with each other dispite the distance they are physically part, and “see” other photons and matter objects at a distance. Just like us, our photons can see the cosmic web of galaxies in all directions.

Our photons also have a built-in measuring tape and clock that they can use to measure (in meters) and time (in seconds) themselves and other objects. The measuring tape and clock is calibrated by nearby protons. The standard unit of length can be calibrated by the circumference of any proton, and the standard unit of time can be calibrated by the quantum spin, of any proton.

Our photon bubbles of free spin energy began their life, when they were both formed at about the same time, by Calcium II atomic transitions during the peak luminosity of a Type 1a white dwarf star supernova explosion. Both photon bubbles were born and imprinted with a diameter (wavelength) of 393.3 nm, a frequency of 7.6225 x 1014 Hz, a closure time of 4.12 as, and 3.1524 eV of energy. Each photon bubble began its life more than 1000 times larger than the calcium atom wavelength (288 fm) from which it was spawned.

The supernova occurred a long time ago in a distant galaxy in the Constellation Cetus. In the dense isotropic flux of light from the exploding star, Photon A was emitted in a direction towards us on Earth along with a large bundle of many other similar photons from the Calcium II atoms. On the other side of the exploding star, Photon B was emitted in the exact opposite direction with a similar large bundle of photon bubbles. Both photon’s journey started as they were “picked up” by “FedEx” zome for a long ride with its one way expansion.

The movement of space, is the accelerating absolute speed of rise movement/energy, and always straight, meaning, space never bends, or causes any matter or radiant object to bend their direction of motion. The path of travel of our photons will be “bent” by the influence of matter spinfields, but not by the space that carries them. Our photons can be considered as “the only passenger on board” two space trains speeding in opposite directions. Every photon in the isotropic flux of light from the supernova has its own personal space train waiting to take it on the one-way ride of its life. The ride is not free, and has a cost that is measured as redshift. The longer the ride the greater the cost.

As our photon’s journeys began, they both did an initial measurement of themselves. They measured and note their circumference and diameter (wavelength) in meters, and their closure time – the time taken in seconds, for spin energy to go around the bubble once at the speed of light. The closure time is simply “pi” (3.14159…) divided by the frequency.

Photon A measured itself and noted that its diameter was slightly smaller, and its closure time was slightly faster than the imprint of its birth. Photon B measured itself and noted that its diameter was slightly larger, and its closure time was slightly slower than the imprint of its birth. The difference wasn’t much, but it was definitely there.

Both photons discussed with each other what they had noted. After reflection, they decided that three things had happened:

  1. As the star was exploding their parent atoms were in motion away from the site of the explosion when they were formed , thus, they gained a little energy making them both equally slightly smaller, or blue-shifted.
  2. They lost a little energy leaving the g-rise/spinfield hollow of their exploding star and this made them both slightly larger, or red shifted.
  3. Their exploding star was moving in the host galaxy, and the galaxy itself was moving as they were being emitted. Photon A was emitted in the direction of motion, hence “blue shifted”, and Photon B was emitted opposite to the direction of motion, hence “red shifted.”

After these initial adjustments, as they left their supernova birth source our photons stabilized in size. As they traveled they periodically re-measured their diameter and closure time to note any changes.

As our photons (along with their neighborhood bundle of emission bubbles) continued in their individual trajectories as part of an expanding shell of light, our self aware bubbles see and understand that they are part of an isotropic expanding flux of photons of different wavelengths from atomic element transitions taking place within their exploding source. They are free spin energy bubbles emitted from a radiant source being carried by space at the speed of space into a universe filled with matter.

At the back of each photon’s mind must be the thought “when am I going to hit something?” For a photon to survive it must not come in contact with a matter object and become absorbed thus ending its life as it transfers its free spin movement/energy into bound rise movement/energy by adding motion (the kinetic energy of heat) to the matter object that absorbed it.

As they travel with space, our two photons first see a continuous isotropic shower of other photon bubbles of different sizes bosonically passing through them or around them at the speed of space.(See Light Comparison Table). A large proportion of the isotropic shower of photons were in the microwave (CMB) part of the spectrum with a peak wavelength at 1.9 mm, a frequency of 160.2 Ghz, a closure time of 19.6 ps, and 0.66 meV of energy. The large numbers of photons of all sizes never interact with each other in any manner in their individual paths of travel. Like “spectrum ghosts” riding invisible space trains, they keep passing through each other with nary a notice.

As our two photons continue in their travel, they see an isotropic shower of cosmic rays, charged matter objects more than 1000 times smaller than our photons passing around them and through them at speeds less than the speed of space.

After more observation our photons realized that they were heading in a specific direction, towards some galaxies and away from other galaxies, at the speed of space. Light year after light year, they were being carried through gaps in matter fields, that kept coming and coming. From our photon’s perspective, it seemed that matter was doing all the moving, they saw themselves as at “rest” with space and in the center of the universe.

Periodically (perhaps every hundred thousand years or so) our two photons would re-measure themselves and note and discuss the results. After many measurements they began to notice that they were both getting larger and their closure time was increasing. At first the change seemed uniform with time. After discussion it was decided that the change was caused by the constant pressure of space within their bubbles. As the spin energy that formed their bubbles couldn’t push back, they kept getting stretched and larger. The longer they traveled the larger they got. They soon realized there was nothing they could do about it, they just had to accept and live with it.

After more time (many millions of years) and many more measurements, it became clear to our photons that their change in size was not uniform but accelerating. They were beginning to get bigger faster. The longer they now lived and traveled, the quicker they got larger. After much discussion it was decided this was caused by the acceleration of the speed of space, which only becomes noticeable after a much longer period of time. There was an “aging” factor at work. Again they realized there was nothing they could do about it, they just had to accept and live with it. The longer they lived and traveled the acceleration of their expansion was only going to increase.

For billions of years our photons traveled through the cosmic web, passing by and going through galaxy clusters, individual galaxies, inter-galactic sheets of gas and dust, and enormous volumes of space with little embedded matter except for the isotropic shower of cosmic rays that fill the universe.

As they traveled their “straight” path in space was “bent” by the matter spinfields they encountered which kept steering them in a slightly different direction.

In 2010 Photon A was absorbed by a spectroscope on the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the light from a supernova named “SN UDS10Wil”. It was noted by scientists that our photon bubble (along with its bundle of emission bubbles) had a redshift of 1.9, indicating it had traveled for more than 10 billion years.

Let us imagine that Photon B is still alive and well traveling away from us on Earth, getting larger and larger. If Photon B does not get absorbed by matter, one can speculate that eventually Photon B will reach and expand into and beyond the CMB resonance, lose its source identity, and become part of the free spin energy continuum that fills space.

Whatever the physical distance a photon travels between matter objects, it will never get any closer to the open-hollow boundary, it will always remain at the physical center of its universe. Unless the photon is absorbed by matter it will continue to exist and expand-in-place eventually reaching the cosmic microwave background frequency. After reaching the microwave background, the individual photon will disappear into the spin energy continuum of history.